→Textual editor

The textual →editor displays the content of a file or an object as text.
(warning) The textual content is auto-generated based on the content in the →graphical editor. Therefore, avoid editing the objects in the textual editor when these objects are usually depicted in a graphical editor.

How to open the textual editor – do this only, if you need to examine the textual content:


open the context menu of the FBD-object, select Open With –  FBD-Editor (Text)


open the context menu of the LD-object, select Open With –  LD-Editor (Text)


usually only possible in the project explorer: double-click the ST-object in which the enum-object is included.
This will open the ST-editor.


open the context menu of the global-object, select Open With –  Editor for Global-Object (Text)

Compare: The ST-editor is a textual editor for which there is no graphical editor.